Theatres Cloud Theatre Ticket Software

Cloud Theatre Ticket Software
- Especially designed for theatres
- Accessible 24/7 from any internet connected location
- Easy customize seats grid, prices and discounts
- Powerful, yet easy to use interface
- Real time track work of cashiers, distributors, etc
- Powerful reports, exportable to PDF and CSV
- Easy connect ticket printer
- Easy integration with barcode scanners
Especially designed for theatres
We have designed Ticket7D especially for the needs of theatres. Over the many years, we made a lot of improvements, there were implemented many new functionalities to bring Ticket7D to what it is now - a modern cloud service ticket software for organizing the activities of theaters and other performing organizations and free artists.
Accessible 24/7 from any internet connected location
Ticket7D is designed and interpreted as cloud software service with all the positives from this - securely and instantly from virtually everywhere. Any employee or approved partner director or distributor may login and access the system on any device – desktop computers, laptops, iPhones, Android devices, etc.
Easy customize seats grid, prices and discounts

You can create a custom seating chart that matches your venue layout, and even more - you can make more then one chart for one venue, depending on the seats scheme of a custom show. Our practice shows that this is not rearly needed option, as theatre directors are creative a lot. You can create custom price scheme for each event, and even more - you can make more then one scheme for one event. For example you can have early prices, regular prices, last minute prices etc. Ticket7D has extremely flexible discounts architecture scheme and roles based. You can define several levels of customer discount permissions (for example you may not want cashiers to be able to give free passes, but the director sure must be able).
Powerful, yet easy to use interface
Ticket7D has easy to use intuitive web interface. All the software functionality is well organised and easy to reach. We have just one main top menu, where you can reach everything you need. You can start using the software right now without spending time to learn something complex and difficult to understand (of course we have guides which you can read when you have some time to spend, but this is not a must).
Real time track work of cashiers, distributors, etc
All the information and reports can be tracked in real time from any device – desktop computers, laptops, iPhones, Android devices, etc. The manager can screen the last minutes sales and manage the prices/reservations from the comfort of his VIP lounge or from the lake in the mountain while fishing.
Powerful reports, exportable to PDF and CSV
Powerful real time reporting lets you track income and make better decisions. All reports are flexible and they have a lot of filters allowing you to make extremely large number of combinations and modifications of the data processing. Once you got the information you need you can export it to PDF or CSV for future presentations or analysis with a single click of a mouse.
Easy connect ticket printer

Ticket7D can be integrated with a wide range of ticket printers to take advantage of speed and reliability to print tickets on demand. Combination of a good barcode ticket printer and custom designed tickets (could be with perforated stubs and/or serial number) gives excellent professional results. Some of our clients use the backside of the tickets for entertainment purposes, which gives great return and financial results.
Easy integration with barcode scanners

Most of the barcode scanners can be used with Ticket7D, after all before bying new one you can check for the requirements our software have. We use barcode scanners for the cashier work places (usually connected to desktop PCs) and for the check-in process where we usually use android tablets (we provide special USB-A console to Micro USB cables for this purpose, but you can use any stock one if you can find on the market). General requirements are usb barcode scanners supporting "Keyboard Wedge" as output option. Check technical documentation of the barcode scanner you choose to ensure if this is supported.
Ready to give it a try? Get started right now
Feel free to ask, we are happy to answer any question you have.
You can contact us via phone during work days 09:00 CET to 17:00 CET
Or you can contact us via our