Accountants guide
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List of all registered users can be viewed by selected Settings -> Users. The list can be filtered by username and display name (partial match) and email (full match). You can also sort the list by username or display name.
To the right of each user in the list you can see the operations that you can perform with it.
For each user in the list you can find the following information: ID, Username, Display Name (usually real name, which all other users see), Role, Telephone, Email, Status, Session Time and Language.
Personal data

After a successful login, the user is redirected on the "Personal Data" page. You can go to this page once you click the "Personal" link on the main menu.
First on the page you can see your username and key role of your account. Then there are two button "Change personal details" and "Change your password". The first can edit your personal information, and the second is for changing your password. The information you see below is in two columns on the left are displayed personal data: display name, phone, email, sessioсъмнителнаn time and language. Display name is what all other users on the system see for you, unlike your username which is used for login only and not visible to others. From a security perspective it is well your username and display name to be different, for example in display name, you can fill your real name and surname. Your username can not be changed unlike display name. Eligible are all symbols letters and numbers. Phone and e-mail fields are optional, but having in mind that the system is for internal use only and there is no access to this information from outside, it is always good to keep updated information on those contacts. Session time value is reflecting the time in minutes of your session (after how many minutes of inactivity the system should log you out). Values are from 10 minutes to several hours. From a security perspective, it is good to avoid introducing too big value. And the language, shows the selected language.
In the right column you can find information about your last 10 successful logins into the system - time and IP. The information may be useful in detecting any undesired intrusion into your account. If you notice any suspicious information there (strange time or unusual IP address) contact us.
Change password

To change your password you need to select from the main menu "Personal" and then click "Change your password". You must enter your current password, followed by twice enter the new password, respectively, in the fields "Password" and "Password again" and then click "Change". The password has the following requirements: it must be at least 6 characters long, contain at least one little and at least one large letter and at least one digit. In case you forgot your current password and you have no access to your account, you have to contact the system administrator for your organization. He can reset your password.

To view a schedule of events/performances put in your stage organization you must choose from the main menu "Schedule" and you will see a list of all events for a specific period of time, sorted by date. Default selected period is 3 months (maximum) starting with the current day, virtually visualize all upcoming events. Clicking on any of the events you will go to the detailed scheme of the scene for the this event.
The list can be filtered by date, stage play and scene. You can check all events to date X by simply selecting the date in corresponding drop box and click "Search". This will display all events for that date. Similarly, you can check when specific performance will take place - from the drop down menu choose demanded stage play/performance, click "Search" button and you will see all the dates on which this stage play/performance will play.

You can make various reports: "Barcode", "Profit", "Sales", "Distributors", "Cashiers" and "Discounts". For all of them is valid - once you have selected your desired exactly filters and period and have reviewed the report, you can export the report in PDF or CSV files for subsequent presentation, archiving or other further processing by other software. This can be done by clicking the appropriate button in the upper right corner (the buttons are visible only if there is information available for export).
By "Barcode Report" you can quickly and easily access the information for any barcode (reservation or sale). Barcode can be entered manually or via barcode reader (much faster and recommended). This option is used mainly for printing ticket search of a particular reservation or other records relating to the history of a particular ticket. The following information is displayed: Barcode (active link to detailed information) Stage Play (active link to the event), Scene, Sector, Price, Reservation (active link to the entire reservation, if available), Sale (active link to the whole sale if available), time of printing.

The second one "Profit Report" shows a list of information on events and revenue from each of them for a certain period of time. It displays information on the total revenue, total number of tickets sold, number of passes and the average ticket price for each event listed. Additional information can be systemized (summarizes) on event and on time of sale of tickets. Default selected period - the current month, but you can select any desired range (up to 3 months). There are filters by stage play and scene. Once you have selected all the desired criteria click "Search" button. The result can be sorted by revenue and stage play.

The third one "Report Sales" shows a list of events and information about the sales for each event of each customer / cashier / distributor, as well as total for cashiers and distributors for a certain period of time. Default selected period - the current month, but you can select any desired range (up to 3 months). There are filters on stage play, user and method of payment. Once you have selected all the desired criteria click "Search" button. Besides the list of all sales by users, this report allows you to aggregate information on search criteria. You can choose from the following summary: "On time of sale of tickets", "On Event", "On event/nominal" "On time of sale of tickets/nominal", "On event/all nominals" and "On time of sale/all nominals".

The fourth report "Report Distributors" shows a list of all tickets sold by distributors for a certain period of time. It displays information about the name of the distributor, stage play, time of sale and method of payment, time of cancellation and payment method, regular price and the actual price of the sale. The list can be filtered by distributor, stage play and payment method. Additional information can be systemized (summarized) by event. Default selected period - the current month, but you can select any desired range (up to 3 months).
Fifth one "Report Cashiers" is analogous to the previous one, but displays a list of all tickets sold by the cashiers for a certain period of time. It displays information about the name of the cashier, stage play, time of sale and method of payment, time of cancellation and payment method, regular price and the actual price of the sale. The list can be filtered by cashier, stage play and payment method. Additional information can be systemized (summarized) on nominals, on event and on event/nominals. Default selected period - current day, but you can select any desired range (up to 3 months).

Sixth report "Report Discounts" shows a list of all tickets sold for a certain period of time. It displays information about username, stage play, sale and method of payment, discount type, regular price, net reduction and the final price for the customer. The list can be filtered by user, stage play, payment and discount (last for partial matching). Additional information can be systemized (summarized) by event. Default selected period - the current month, but you can select any desired range (up to 3 months).
Stage plays
To view the stage plays/performances put in your organization, from the main menu click "Stage Play". You'll see a list of all placed in the theater stage plays, containing the following information: ID, Name, Director, Genre, Duration. You can also sort the list by name, director and genre (all in partial matching). The list can be sorted by name, director and genre. Clicking on "details" for selected stage play will show you details for it - the name, author, genre, director, actors - primary and secondary roles, timing, music, translation, photos and more.